The Neuroscience of Deeper Learning
How do we teach?
How do we learn?
What if mathematics could be taught the way the brain learns?
Group 1
3 yards
Specific and varied practice of motor skill 1978 Booth & Kerr
The bean bag experiment
Group 2
2 yards & 4 yards
3 yards
Significantly outperformed group 1
Creative Reasoning
Learning mathematics without a suggested solution method: Durable effects on performance and brain activity 2015 Wirebring et al.
Creative Reasoning
Learning mathematics without a suggested solution method: Durable effects on performance and brain activity 2015 Wirebring et al.
Deep Conceptual Understanding
Deep Conceptual Understanding
Deep Conceptual Understanding
"Why can't we just teach math the way I learned it?"
The volume of work often necessitates computers who can perform the routine machine operations with great speed, but who need not have much logical insight into what the results should be...
Memo: "Computing Group Organizations and Practices at NACA" April 24th 1942
The old way of teaching math was to make you do it like a machine...
The new way is to understand it so you can build the machines!
To ensure that all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world's most challenging problems.
The Neuroscience of deeper learning
By Nigel Nisbet
The Neuroscience of deeper learning
Presentation Slides
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