A Quick Guided Tour
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What if mathematics could be taught the way the brain learns?
The ST in ST Math stands for spatial temporal.
Manipulating objects in
space +
Spatial-temporal reasoning is key to deep learning.
Let's try a game...
How the Brain Learns:
A short video on Spatial Temporal Reasoning
and the Perception Action Cycle
How do we learn math?
As a list of skills?

Or as a rich web of connections?

Teaching math as a list of skills results in curriculum
that lives down here...

ST Math lives up here...
leading students to deep conceptual understanding

ST Math introduces concepts visually at first.
Let's try a game...
ST Math starts by teaching the foundational concepts visually,
then connects the ideas to the symbols, language, and robust discourse
Drag me
Without language barriers,
ST Math is accessible to all students,
regardless of skill level
or language background.
Why does this approach work so well?
Equitable Access & Opportunities for Growth
Percent of students meeting or exceeding standards in grades 3-5, 2014 vs 2016. Read full studies at www.stmath.com/results.
... but don't just take our word for it

ST Math Impact

A 2018 WestEd study found schools that consistently used ST Math outgrew similar schools in statewide rank by 14 percentile points.†
Awards and Recognition

Can a game change the way you feel about math?
JiJi helps me keep trying. When I make mistakes, I learn from it.

Dear JiJi—you’re the best. Your program is amazing.

Thank you for helping me in math. I really like math. It’s so fun.
ST Math promotes social-emotional skills, inspires curiosity,
and builds confidence... and now, there’s research to prove it!

ST Math's impact on student self-beliefs is strongest for those students who had lower mathematics achievement scores

Students who play ST Math have higher mathematics self-beliefs
Teomara Rutherford, Allison S. Liu, Arena S. Lam & Katerina Schenke (2020) Impact on mathematics self-beliefs from a mastery-based mathematics software, Journal of Research on Technology in Education
To ensure that all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world's most challenging problems.
Guided Tour of ST Math 2021
By Nigel Nisbet
Guided Tour of ST Math 2021
A quick guided tour of the ST Math program.
- 13,469