G1U9L8 Revision Idea




Play Level (Alien Capture)

Which card has more aliens?

Argumenteer - But I see the same number of objects. How can one be more? Explain.

What are all the amounts you can make with five objects (biggest? smallest? how do you know? Create some > and < sentences with these amounts - how do you know?)

How can you make different amounts with the same number of objects?

Currently only one puzzle - need to build level

G2U7L5 Revision Idea




Puzzle Talk (quick) - Making Tens

Each student gets and counts a pile of blocks (about 20 ish)

Works with a partner to see how many they have together

Discussion - 2 argumenteers

Each group gets lots more blocks and counts them

How does Alyssa's strategy make it easier to count all the blocks? 

Lesson Revision Ideas

By Nigel Nisbet

Lesson Revision Ideas

Presentation Slides

  • 72