Big Ideas: Grade 6 Relationships between Variables

Big Ideas: Grade 6 


Between Variables

Use independent and dependent variables to represent how a situation changes over time., recognizing unit rates when it is a linear relationship. Illustrate the relationship using tables, 4-quadrant graphs and equations, and understand the relationship between the different representations and what each one communicates.

Problems (tasks which students do not already have the tools to solve) precede teaching of the focal mathematics necessitated by the problem.


That is, the major point of a problem is to raise questions that can be answered and encourage students to use their intuition to address the questions before learning new mathematical ideas (Deslauriers et al., 2019).

From the 2023 CA Framework

In small groups, solve the puzzles


Use the machines to model Pattern 1 and Pattern 2

Q1. How do these two different looking visuals represent the same idea? (CA Framework 2023)

Q2. How many blocks will it take to make each pattern after 10 steps?

How do you know?

Q2. Predict how many blocks each pattern will have after 100 steps?

What mathematical tools can you use?


Big Ideas - Grade 6 Relationships between Variables

By Nigel Nisbet

Big Ideas - Grade 6 Relationships between Variables

Presentation Slides

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